When I introduced Rutuba Organic Fertilizer to one of my best friend who is a scientist at an agricultural institution, she dismissed me by saying that Rutuba is just another compost. She insisted that it can only be applied as a basal foundation for seeds. So I decided that I would not explain to her any further instead I invited her to see crops in her area that had been top dressed with Rutuba Organic Fertilizer.
So, what is it that Rutuba brings on the table:
Soil Healing:
It is no doubt that the farmer’s soil has been hurt a great deal by various chemicals that have been over the years applied to the soil with religious diligence. When you surf the internet for soil conditions, in almost all the sites you visit, the issue of acidity comes up in almost all the searches. It therefore goes without saying that the farmer’s soil is highly polluted and its capability diminished. This is because, the necessary micro-organisms that are central in breaking down the nutrients in the soil for absorption by plants have over the year been killed by the acidity.
Any breakthrough in farming must then begin by addressing this problem. Poor soils, polluted soils and soils with no micro-organisms are a hazard to the farmer. Rutuba Organic Fertilizer, recognizing this, has developed a product that does exactly the opposite of the inorganic fertilizers.
Superior Technology of Making the Fertilizer:
Rutuba Organic Fertilizer is 100% organic. That means all its ingredients do not form any chemical compounds, do not remain as residuals on the soil and even more important they break down all the harmful compounds that will have formed over the years. Using a patented technology, Rutuba has added organically 16 (sixteen) micro nutrients that are beneficial to the plant. Thus, it is not a ‘normal’ organic compost as my friend scientist noted-it is more than that. It is a breakthrough technology that has the potential to forever change how the farmer experiences farming on his/her farm.
Increased Yields, Increased Incomes and Self Reliance:
When the soils of the farmer are healed, useful nutrients added, the ripple effect of that is the farmer can smile all round. The yields quantity and quality increases. The farmer can go commercial using his/her traditionally subsistent production area. The quality of the produce is higher. The grains become heavy and the fruits are even more healthier. This can only translate into better incomes. With better incomes, the farmer is able to clothe the family and have surplus for other uses. This then leads to self reliance. No country can develop by ignoring its greatest strength. For agrarian based economies, the farmer must produce enough to feed self and the nation. Only when the nation is well fed can it think about self-reliance.
A relationship:
Rutuba Organic fertilizer has three main ways of impacting farming. These are increased yields, carbon credit claim and formation of farmers’ owned companies that produce Rutuba Organic Fertilizer. These three ways means that Rutuba Organic Fertilizer is not about profits only. It is about building relationships that promote maximum gain by the farmer. It is farmer focused. It is about the farmer.
The built relationship aims to make the farmer the central player in the business of food and agricultural production. It aims to put the other players that highly benefit from the farmer’s sweat at their rightful place. This is why the price of Rutuba Organic Fertilizer is highly controlled by the company. This means that the farmer can do a balance sheet that favors his activities and returns for his labor.
Thus Rutuba Organic Fertilizer is not focused on making profits and then retreat, it is about building relationships that last. To claim carbon credits for instance after the soils have been cleansed, the farmers need to be in organized forms. Such organization can only be possible through the relationship that Rutuba Organic Fertilizer forms with the farmers.
Healthy Environment, Healthy Population:
The farms that produce using Rutuba Organic Fertilizer are free of environmental pollution. In our brochure, we consider the first three years of using Rutuba Organic Fertilizer as a transition period. During this period, the soil is cleansed and hence one can claim carbon credit. This is cleaning our environment from the hazardous compounds.
Food grown under Rutuba Organic Fertilizer do not contain traces of compounds formed as result of use of fertilizers. The crops are healthy. That means diseases linked to the consumption of foods containing inorganic fertilizers residuals are eliminated. It means, that a healthy population means better economic production and hence great social-economic development.
Finally, Rutuba Organic Fertilizer is thus the beginning of a revolution that will affect many sectors of the country and world economies. This is one product that we promote, not focused on profits but putting our focus on the wholistic positive impact it will create in the many nations that will adopt its use.